
I'm new to SNMP4J so forgive me if I'm taking a foreign language as example :).

In NetSNMP/C for example, we can just define a function
send_xyz_trap(int value1, int value2, ...) and call the function from
wherever a trap is need to be triggered.

Can someone please help to tell whether we can do that, and how, via SNMP4J?

Let take snmp4jAgentHBEvent in SNMP4J-HEARTBEAT-MIB as the example.
How can I trigger the trap from with just a passing Counter32 value
(snmp4jAgentHBCtrlEvents which is a varbind of the snmp4jAgentHBEvent
notification, per the MIB's definition) from another java class, and
the notification will be sent to all trap receivers defined in V3
related MIBs?

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