
Https must be used for the download. Sorry.
The certificate is a valid one. For Java,
you will have to import the CA of the certificate
into your Java keystore, that's all.

Most checksums on the server are indeed invalid
due to a bug in Maven 2.2.0 which was used to
upload the packages.

We have switched to 2.2.1 now and the latest
snapshot release has already correct checksums.

I currently try to find a way to recompute/fix
the checksums of the older packages.

Best regards,

On 13.09.2011 16:36, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
> I'm trying to download snmp4j using ivy. But I'm running in problems
> The URL is 
> https://server.oosnmp.net/dist/release/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext].
> The parts after /release are not very important, they are ivy's things.
> The first problem is the use of https. The guys at oosnmp use SSL, but with a 
> invalid certificate, so ivy fails with the message :
> [ivy:install]         Server access Error: 
> sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: 
> sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find 
> valid certification path to requested target 
> url=https://server.oosnmp.net/dist/release/org/snmp4j/snmp4j/1.11.3/snmp4j-1.11.3.jar
> The certificate is wrong to Safari and Firefox too. Is there really a need 
> for SSL here ? And I didn't found any way to contact the oosnmp peoples. They 
> have a jira, but it's a closed one.
> To work around this problem I put it in a custom java keystore, but then if 
> failed with the message :
> [ivy:install]                 [FAILED     ] 
> org.snmp4j#snmp4j;1.11.3!snmp4j.jar: invalid sha1: 
> expected=4c449cdbe47cfb0dde407816c7cc361c84312ab9 
> computed=798485e7e0101bd1b4c88fd981327d0c3c6252c0 (232ms)
> The maven upload seems to be problematic. I tried with other versions, it's 
> not better.
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