Hello there!

From: snmp4j-boun...@agentpp.org [mailto:snmp4j-boun...@agentpp.org] On Behalf 
Of Frank Fock
> You are facing the same issue as described in 
> http://lists.agentpp.org/pipermail/snmp4j/2012-March/004789.html
> I understand that this situation is not covered userfriendly by SNMP4J-AgentX 
> as implementing a subclass is not straight forward.
> I will provide such a subclass of AgentXSharedMOTableSupport for multi 
> variable indexes and master/child tables within the next few days.

Thank you, Frank, for this answer. Where will I be able to find this 
implementation? Because in my case, I have no idea what specific handling would 
be required, as suggested for this subclass.

Kind regards,

Am 02.03.2012 08:26, schrieb HAAS Christian:
> Hello there!
> I have one of those "Hardly an understanding of the underlying system, but 
> have to make it work" cases and I hope to find the right pointers here.
> Setup and Goal:
> We are using SNMP4J together with Net-SNMP for our processes. On a host with 
> Net-SNMP, we have several of our processes running and each of them shall 
> report some internal statistics (e.g. amount of threads) into a shared table.
> This table has an index consisting of two columns: The unique process 
> (component) ID and the statistics (entry) ID.
> The idea is to access such a statistics row by using an OID  
> table.componentId.entryId
> Several of the entry IDs are reported by more than one process, some are 
> reported by only a selected few - still, each in his own row though. All rows 
> of ones own componentId are handled by the respective process.
> For example:
> table.componentA.numberOfThreads = ...
> table.componentA.packetsReceived = ...
> table.componentB.numberOfThreads = ...
> table.componentB.packetsReceved = ...
> table.componentB.numberOfSessions = ...
> The Problem(s):
> Filling in the expected values for the index data, each process can 
> add at most one row. (Typically, only one row would show up as for 
> second problem) Filling a unique 'counter' value into the componentId lets 
> the processes add specific entries only once (e.g. only one is to report 
> numberOfThreads; The first process to register reports all his entries, any 
> further reports only those entryIds not yet used) Filling unique counters for 
> both index fields, all processes can add all data.
> But the second two are probably not what is expected when reading the MIB.
> The intent is to use the indexDef as a combined primary key, but as it 
> appears, the two are handled being primary keys each on their own.
> MIB:
>                  --
>                  frqChNvpTable OBJECT-TYPE
>                          SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF FrqChNvpEntry
>                          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
>                          STATUS current
>                          DESCRIPTION
>                                  "Name-value-pairs"
>                          ::= { frqComponentHealthObjects 52 }
>                  --
>                  frqChNvpEntry OBJECT-TYPE
>                          SYNTAX FrqChNvpEntry
>                          MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
>                          STATUS current
>                          DESCRIPTION
>                                  "Name-value-pair"
>                          INDEX { chNvpComponentId, chNvpEntryId }
>                          ::= { frqChNvpTable 1 }
>                  FrqChNvpEntry ::=
>                          SEQUENCE {
>                                  chNvpComponentId
>                                          INTEGER,
>                                  chNvpComponentName
>                                          DisplayString,
>                                  chNvpEntryId
>                                          INTEGER,
>                                  chNvpEntryName
>                                          DisplayString,
>                                  chNvpEntryLongName
>                                          DisplayString,
>                                  chNvpEntryValueType
>                                          INTEGER,
>                                  chNvpEntryValueInt
>                                          Integer32,
>                                  chNvpEntryValueString
>                                          OCTET STRING
>                           }
> Code:
> In code, a DefaultAgentXSharedMOTable is used, with the indexDef set up 
> hopefully right:
>        { // setup combined index
>           /** Sub indexes (SNMP)*/
>           final MOTableSubIndex[] subIndexes = new MOTableSubIndex[2];
>           subIndexes[0] =
>                 new MOTableSubIndex( new OID( MOTableBuilder.OID_CH_NVP_TABLE 
> )
>                       .append( 
>                       SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, 1, 1 );
>           subIndexes[1] =
>                 new MOTableSubIndex( new OID( MOTableBuilder.OID_CH_NVP_TABLE 
> )
>                       .append( MOTableBuilder.MO_COLUMN_IDX_CH_NVP_ENTRY_ID ),
>                       SMIConstants.SYNTAX_INTEGER, 1, 1 );
>           this.indexDef = new MOTableIndex( subIndexes );
>        }
> Questions:
> 1. Is the basic goal possible at all? If not, I can save some problem finding 
> and we need to go back to the drawing board.
> 2. If possible, what am I doing wrong in the code? How should I do it?
> 3. Is there anything more I should provide so I can help you help me 
> help us all? :) 4. Side question: What are the two last parameters of the 
> MOTableSubIndex constructor for? It works only using 1, 1.
> I realize just days ago there seems like to have been a similar problem with 
> a combined index on this list, but I can't see whether this is the same 
> problem nor did I understand the proposed solution.
> Thank you and kind regards,
> ch
> ____________________________________________________
> Christian Haas
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