
I upgraded my working application from SNMP4J v1.11 to v2.2.3...
There were some minor updates required in my code to use generics.

I discovered a serious problem in my code with SNMP4J v2.2.3:
empty default context for v3 user is not allowed any more
if there is a v2 user defined as well.

The problem is in a org.snmp4j.agent.DefaultMOServer class.
The method register(ManagedObject mo, OctetString context) in v2.2.3
makes following validation:
   if ((context == null) || (context.length() == 0)) {
   } else ...

The v1.11 implementation had
   if (context == null) {
   } else ...

The v2.2.3 validates default v3 empty context as v2 and
throws DuplicateRegistrationException if v2 user is present.
Am I missing something or this is a bug?

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