
New releases of SNMP4J, SNMP4J-Agent, SNMP4J-AgentX, and SNMP4J-JMX
are available for download from http://www.snmp4j.org

Besides bugfixes and small enhancements, the Java generics support has
been improved across all packages and all "unchecked" warnings have been
SNMP4J-AgentX now includes the BufferedMOMutableTableModel class that
provides a base class for easily and efficiently implementing large virtual
SNMP tables.

Release Notes

SNMP4J 2.3.0:

* Improved: Performance of the SimpleOIDTextFormat.
* Improved: Migrated to standard Maven src directory layout.
* Improved: JavaDoc generation with specific stylesheet.
* Fixed [JSF-90]: NullPointerException in TreeUtils if ignoreLexicographicOrdering is true.
* Improved: Removed unchecked warnings for generics.
* Improved: Relaxed type checking for constructor with variable bindings.
* Improved: TLSTM exception logging and handling.

SNMP4J-Agent 2.2.0:

* Added: UsmUserEvent.USER_CHANGED firing.
* Improved: Introduced MOTableModel.isEmpty() to improve performance for virtual table
* Improved: Generics support (removed unchecked warnings and introduced missing
  template parameters).

SNMP4J-AgentX 2.2.0:

* Improved: Generics support (removed unchecked warnings).
* Added: BufferedMOTableModel and BufferMOMutableTableModel for efficiently
  implementing large virtual SNMP tables.

SNMP4J-AgentJMX 2.1.0:

* Improved: Generics support (removed unchecked warnings).

Best regards,
Frank Fock

Maximilian-Kolbe-Str. 10
73257 Koengen, Germany
Phone: +49 7024 8688230
Fax:   +49 7024 8688231

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