t seems like you need to do some noraml debugging kinds of tasks. Maybe you
should try running it under the TCPTunnel to see better what is happening.
It really sounds like a VB code problem. Is your code finishing the init? Is
it making the getS call? You can check the MS soa help for gettting the
fault from a response.

> I see rpcouter:init showing up on the Tomcat's console, so 
> the RPC call
> is reaching the RPCRouter servlet, but I think it dies there, 
> because my
> server class never gets instantiated (I have a print in 
> constructor, so
> I know for sure).
> How do I check fo faults in VB?
> Here is my code for VB SOAP Client:
> set soapclient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
> Call soapclient.mssoapinit("http://manserv2/SOAPTester.wsdl";,
> "SOAPTester", "SOAPTestePort")
> Call soapclient.getS()

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