Yes, you are right. My previous message was not intended to send you.
If you are subscribing the "soap-user" discussion list, you are just one
of many other folks who received my message same as all other message
distributed from the list server.

Otherwise, my appoligies.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Getting the SOAP Envelope with RPC-based MIME calls

> Pae,
> You have me mistaken with someone else I think.  My surname is not Cook.
> Rich F.
>                     "Pae Choi"
>                     <paechoi@earth       To:
>           >            cc:
>                                          Subject:     Re: Getting the SOAP
Envelope with RPC-based MIME calls
>                     12/20/01 11:32
>                     AM
>                     Please respond
>                     to soap-user

> Richard,
> I am just curious why you are not interested at all using the
> Message-oriented service.
> Unless it is a requirement, I certainly like to hear about your feeling
> assertion. Of
> course, if I have a privilege to share them. Thanks.
> Pae
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: Cook, Richard
>  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 8:18 AM
>  Subject: Getting the SOAP Envelope with RPC-based MIME calls
>  Using Apache SOAP 2.2 we're developing a RPC-based service that has a XML
>  Element as its parameter and return value. It works so far, but now we're
>  trying to add binary attachments to our RPC's. I experimented with the
>  MimeTest samples, but all the RPC samples on the server end just deal
>  the DataHandlers for the attachments and the SOAP Envlope wasn't
>  accessible.
>  Looking in the User guide (
> it says "If you
>  are implementing a message-oriented service, or need finer-grain control
>  over the attachments, then you can use methods on the
>  org.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext class to add or retrieve MimeBodyParts."
>  Well, I don't want to use a message-oriented service if I can help it,
>  I do need finer grained control. There were no RPC-based examples using
>  the "finer grained control", though. How does one get to the SOAPContext
>  in a RPC-based call for getting parameters and returning values? Is this
>  possible?

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