I would be more than happy to contribute in any way we can make
our community better. I, however, am in the middle of transition
and already covering different efforts. So it is not right time for me
to say anything, but I certianly keep in my mind to consider your

Also, if i am not able to contribute directly, e.g., Apache/AXIS or
Apache/SOAP v2.x, it does not mean that I am supporting at all.
I am at least supporting you folks' project by using them same as
any other folks -- the real users who help you folks' work artifacts
more quality. Those folks appreciate you folks works. Shouldn't you
folks appreciate them as well?

So, I am saying the MUTUAL APPRECIATION here. In that way, we
all can be one big happy family. Wouldn't you love to have it?


> Pai Choi wrote:
> >
> > One's understanding and vision of transition and progress in our
> > history and nature does not necessarily reflect the "truth" of
> > spontaneous phnomenon we had and we will continuously have.
> >
> > Do you really want to make a decision for the rest of world. Wouldn't
> > it too much for you to make a such decision? Why don't you let the
> > user community to decide for their own rights. It will not only make
> > your life easier, but also create the smooth tansition.
> >
> > In addition, you wouldn't appreciate if someone else make a decision
> > for your own life. Would you? Sometimes, understanding the scope of
> > own roles and responsibilities indeed helps not only for own life, but
> > alsofor the rest of world.
> Get involved!
> http://xml.apache.org/overview.html
> We welcome EVERY contribution.
> Here's some more background that you might find helpful
> http://jakarta.apache.org/site/understandingopensource.html .  For a more
> lighthearted treatise on the subject, go here:
> http://www.advogato.org/article/395.html .
> If you feel like contributing to Axis, that would be WONDERFUL.  If you
> would rather contribute to SOAP 2.x, that's fine too.
> - Sam Ruby

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