sorry the URL should have read

Raghavan Srinivasan wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"> Gary Feldman wrote:
007201c1a90b$6de93920$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
From: Wallis, Simon (Toronto - 22 Front)
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 4:10 PM

1) Is WSDL a Microsoft-only thing?

WSDL is a proposal that has been submitted to the W3C, but not yet adopted.
While over two dozen companies signed the submission, Microsoft and IBM seem
be the leading proponents.

2) How does one generate these files?

There are a variety of tools out there, from a variety of sources. The
IBM Web Service Toolkit is an obvious starting place, but there are others.
And, in case it isn't obvious, Microsoft Visual Studio .Net generates them.
  Glue from MindElectric ( ) is a good Java WSDL compiler . Code generated
by this toolkit works well with Apache Soap too . (wsdl based clients calling Apache Soap services) .

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