In a message dated 12/29/99 5:01:56 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< Hi WB6ZHD,
 I want to make a few comments about RES gliders so I'll jump in here.
 Our club, the Thousand Oaks Soaring Society has put on 2 annual Bent Wing
 contests and our third will be Aug. 13th.Visalia started and continues to 
have the same kind of contest each year. I think their
 next one is in May.
 We allow only built up, rudder  , elevator and spoilers. No bagged or molded
 planes as they could launch to the moon and the built up couldn't do as well.
 I have no objections to V tails.
 We and Visalia get good turn outs and everyone has fun.
 Some of our fliers can and do beat full house gliders proving it's the pilot 
not the
 plane. Come out and see one of these contests and you may be supprised at the
 Art ,        KG6J >>
 Hello, I,m confused, maybe you can help me.Your " subject" heading is RES. 
But your post is about a completely different competition " Bent Wing", than 
whats been proposed for a new RES class American competition. Are you 
suggesting these rules for this class? And , have you submitted these rules 
to be voted on by US 'contest rules'  AMA district Reps?  District 6 Rep. 
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