It's over. The full scoring will be posted soon. The top three were 1) Daryl Perkins, 2) Joe Wurts 3) Joe Newcomb.
The weather was incredible and very warm, the warmest I can remember. Thermals were everywhere but it you didn't get one you were screwed. The off field landings were abundant, (and this is a big field).  Also, no one hit the wires today!!
Daryl was flying his Insanity and Joe Wurts a Supra. Again proving that it is much more pilot than plane. As the Supra gains flight time and the "common man" pilots get more experience they will move up the food chain in the contests. Unfortunately with two of the best soaring pilots in the world taking the top two spots, clearly it isn't all plane.
Join us next year.
Darwin N. Barrie
Chandler AZ

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