Is it just me? Probably is... I hear I'm quite the
pain in the ass... but why do Americans feel compelled
to call their contests, or games, or races... the
"World Championships?" We have the World Series, where
we crown the winners the "World Champion." We have the
Superbowl... once again crowning the winners the
"World Champions." Is there any other country
represented???? 1 other at least???? I think Canada is
represented by one or two teams in baseball... there's
a sports powerhouse ... ;-) JK Sorry Arend... 

But... "World Soaring Masters?" Let's not minimize the
efforts and the accomplishments of those individuals
who qualify to attend US team selects, scratch and
claw to make the top 3, then travel around the world
representing the United States of America. They
compete against the top fliers of 20-25 other
countries, who have undergone the same type of effort
and hardships just for the opportunity to compete in a
truly "World" event. 

This Soaring Masters is a neat idea, and will be a fun
contest I'm sure... but maybe it should be titled "The
US Open of Soaring"... since there's not much
qualifying required to attend... 

Sorry... off my soapbox... but this has been a pet
peave of mine for quite some time... probably ever
since I attended my first World Championships... held
in Holland... against 23 (I think) other countries...

Oh... but the most important part of my email...

TK... I lost my voucher... can you forward another one




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