To all interested F3B pilots and of course other interested R/C pilots.

AMA has finally approved the August 23rd thru the 27th for F3B Team Select to 
be flown at AMA Headquarters,  Muncie, IN.

Within a few days AMA will publish entry requirements to all who have 
participated in the last two cycles. Anyone who has not been in the last two 
cycles May call Lisa Johnson at AMA, 1-765-287-1256, or e-mail [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] to obtain this info.

Likewise I will soon publish the adgenda and other pertainent information 
required to assist those of you interested participating.

Also anyone that can volunteer to help on site, please contact me directly. I 
have two, possibly three individules who can help but we need more. 

Regards, Dave Corven
               AMA 878, LSF 254 and current AMA Leader Member.
               248-512-8682 days, 586-781-2865 home, 248-515-2153 cell.
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