Just to give an idea of  how difficult/fun the woody ladder event can be to
accomplish 23
minutes with the first step being 3 minutes and all other steps 2 minutes,

a minimum of 143 minutes are airborne ( 2 hours 23 minutes ) and requires a
minimum of 11 launches .    Manage your batteries............. :-)

See you at Wood Crafters 07,  Muncie, Indiana
Here is the link to Wood Crafters 06 and more pix will be posted.


Ray Hayes
Home of Wood Crafters
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jack Iafret" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Harry DeBoer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Soaring" <soaring@airage.com>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] W.M.S.S. Woody

> I will back up Harry's report as Saturday being the best thermal day I
> ever seen, very light wind, lots of light thermals that went up to OOS
> and once above 1000 feet, you could go anywhere and stay up for as long as
> you wanted. I did put up a tent but never used it, we were all in the air
> all the time (no timers required so everyone flew).
> I think we were all tired at the end of the day but the smiles were from
> ear-to-ear.
> I did have some fun by seeing how long I could let the Paragon fly without
> touching the stick, 3:22 and then had to land or it would have been much
> longer. It is really weird watching your plane fly with your hand in your
> pocket and it doing a better job than you could have. When I said no wind,
> the whole flight (5 min) was over the field and it did not drift more than
> couple of hundred feet, total.
> Harry is a good CD, not great because he let it rain on us Sunday ;-).
> Sunday was a challenge and he who launched highest and floated best won,
> there was no up and only enough lift at time to maintain altitude for few
> minutes.
> Thanks to Harry and the team, great team and good fun.
> Jack
> On 6/26/06, Harry DeBoer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  As the CD all I can say is thank you to everyone who participated 24
> > Saturday and 19 Sunday ,also to those who came and helped (Larry
> > and others). This was the most fun event I have ever attended. If you
> > get the chance to get to one of the Woody type contest it is a must. The
> > format allows for more flying in one day then most get in a Month.
> > pilots from the surrounding area asked when we would be doing this again
> > all I can say is not soon enough!!
> >
> > Ken Bates walked away with top honors both days and the overall, Greg
> > Smith took best model Sat, Harry De Boer had longest flight at 1hr 20min
> > 57sec on Sat.
> >
> > Sunday Bob Robinson took best model and Martin Doney had the longest
> > flight at 7 min 57sec.
> >
> > From the times of the longest flights you can see the Saturday was
> > incredible and Sunday was a struggle.
> >
> > I'm making plans to attend as many of these types of events as I can,
> > I will have to sneak in a Two Meter MOM now and again!!
> >
> > Harry De Boer
> > LSF 6357
> > AMA 2343
> >
> -- 
> Jack Iafret
> Home and Hobbies

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