Here are some more, less notable, but still interesting observations from the 2006 NATS: * Neat experiment - attempts at HLG-sized XC. Looks like both fun and a challenge. Next time why not resort to the round-the-AMA property course used by the scale guys? * Wretched excess - A Piccalario installed in Steve Meyer's vintage 2M Wanderer. Come on, Steve, the original Wanderer kit cost less than 5% of today's price for the "Pic". * An eagle among falcons - Joe Aldrich's Bird of Time - Built from an original Dynaflite kit, Joe flew this plane like a true RES during the breezy Unlimited Event. And, the BOT had NO ballast! * Best sailplane names - Stew Swanson's 2M "Allegro Like" and his unlimited "KLAM" (Kinda Like A Mantis). Keep 'em coming, Stew. * Closest shave - Jack Strother's Gonzo pilot's escape from the scale sailplane versus high-line tower incident. Surely "Gonzo" deserves another scale ship to pilot? *Cheap fun - Reggie Sewell's 2 Meter entry, a Great Planes' 2M "Fling". Reggie was even sorta, kinda, nearly zooming this inexpensive stock ARF and even placed just above Cap'n Jack's orange Duck.
           Submitted with a tad less respect,
Jim Deck
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