I learned a long time ago that by coupling flaps to
ailerons the model would track better. (And yes, every
model) My first experience with this was with a slope
racer (Swift 800) with a short tail moment, and
undersized V-tail. I had trouble getting it to track
properly at different ballasted weights, differing
lift conditions and airspeeds. A slope racer needs to
track well in all conditions and quickly changing
conditions. When I say it would track better, I mean
it would initiate roll with less adverse yaw. 30-40%
seemed to work best (if the flaps were built to accept
this much - if not, as much as I could get without
binding). I have translated this to every model I've
flown since then, and model set up is much easier. Dr
Drela's explanation makes a lot of sense. I love it
when the really smart aero guys verify my findings...

I heard someone talking about "turning" with ailerons.
We don't turn with ailerons, we initiate roll with
ailerons. We want to do this as effortlessly and
cleanly (axially) as possible, and create a minimum of
adverse yaw. With the flaps coupled, I can run less
total aileron throw for the required roll rate, less
differential, and less rudder coupling to accomplish
an axial roll into the bank.

Thanks Mark D for putting so much time and effort into
this soaring thing. 

And Mike L - I guess I'll switch my F3B models to poly
ships... you know... to keep the wing clean and use
rudder... ;-)

And Mike Smith - insert Daryl giving the
raspberries... ;-)~  (Sorry guys, but Mike didn't used
to couple the flaps on his Sharons - I always... uh...
"fixed" his program when I borrowed his planes)

Have fun guys!


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