Just to lighten the mood a bit, was at www.youtube.com last evening looking at 
a video of a 3D ship flying and kind of started watching some other flying 
stuff.  Wow, there is some cool stuff there.  Three personal favorites:

Goodbye Hero-F-14 driver I think that is expousing his displeasure at the 
demise of the F-14 for of all things a tanker (FA-18E and so on), great take 
off at Key West.

I Won't Flinch-take one British kid in the sand, and a buddy with a camera and 
add an AV-8B really low...

What I Will Be in 4 years-Another Brit that is about to start flight school 
found some really neat French film, flying a Mirage and two Jaguars, at 
ridiculously low altittude near the beach and shipping, great music too.

Sorry that I did not get the URL's but long and I figured you could go there 
and do a quick search.

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