A little comment about cost.
Relative to what it cost at the program inception... RC Soaring/ RC in general and Travel are cheaper today . Gas has not gone up as much as other products. The rate of increase is only recently starting to keep up. RC products in general have come down. Radios are cheaper and more capable . Analog servos are still a bargain. Digis are a little more expensive and may not fit the argument.

About contestants.
Yep the numbers are dwindling, making it harder in some cases to hold a Level V contest. But in some areas of the country that would never have been possible without travel to begin with. The populations were never there. Also there are some major contests that do meet these requirements. To water down the program will hurt those that have already done it. Also remember this program is international. Do you realize that in Germany they have an A and B league.

Also there are some people who have always tried to get around the program. One poster here tried holding a contest where current Level 5's were not allowed, so that he could get his level 5.And also recently tried creating a new class system in the ESL so that the top experts would be moved into a Masters class and the remaining experts could duke it out. Not everyone will get a level 5.. that's the idea of the program. You have to achieve it. I applaud those that have. Programs like this should not be designed so everyone succeeds. What's the point? A level V is not prestigious if everyone achieves it.

Do you know why we are dying? Well many clubs don't want to hold contests. Many don't want to be seen. I have heard from club members that adding more members means they won't be able to fly when they want. Funny thing is they don't show up that often in the first place.. but they do vote and get others to believe that nonsense. Some clubs don't want to be seen... Think about it.. Very selfish reasons. Yes there are other reasons... competing with computers, video games... we are not viewed as a cool hobby.

As a society I think we are just lazy. We want more for less. Less work more gratification. Many are hooking up with Electrics because they don't have to shag chutes or bring out the equip. For some it is age and they can't hoof the equip. But for others its just convenience.

Jeff Steifel

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