On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 05:32:34PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

|    Okay I was waiting for this one.  With a standard FM system, not even a
|    PCM System (which by the way is about the same as a 2.4 system...the
|    word 'digital' is sort of a hint there)...with a standard FM system the
|    time between a guy moving his thumb and the servo beginning its
|    movement is not visible to they eye...as it looks immediate.

People have measured it under pretty controlled conditions and found
the DX7 to be faster than most 72 MHz transmitters -- especially
faster than the Futaba 9C in PCM mode doing CCPM (helicopter.)

However, even in the slowest case (9C, PCM, CCPM) it's still way
faster than your reflexes.  So while the DX7 might be 3x faster, it
still doesn't matter because you can barely tell if at all.

So, yes, the Spektrum stuff is faster, but in general I'd say it
doesn't matter.  But of course many people disasgree, and they
disagree quite loudly.



(Note that they're looking at CCPM, so this is a worst-case scenario
that shows the 9C to be slow.  With airplane modes, the difference is
much smaller.)

|    Movement of the airframe is not 'only' a function of servo moving
|    servos.  AIRSPEED is a bigger factor and one that varies the "lag in
|    response" way more than any micro second change in the information time
|    from thumb to servo.

Agreed.  Though to be fair, I suspect that most people who claim that
radio X is faster than radio Y are also aware of this.

"The only two things that are infinite in size are the universe and
 human stupidity. And I'm not completely sure about the universe." 
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