The increase in responce is comparable to using fast servos.  I can without
a doubt tell the difference.  I fly planes with fast servos and rearward
C.G.s  I also fly planes fast as well as slow.

But you do have to realize that ths latency is before the servo.  So whether
the servo is fast or slow, or the plane is fast or slow, the latency is
added on.  It counts.  72 MHz is good.  a 368 servo on your elevator is
good.  But a 3421 is faster, and you can tell.  So you can tell with moving
from 72 to 2.4.

But like everyone else said, it isn't a big enough reason in itself to pay
good money to move to 2.4.  It is however another very valid reason 2.4 is
better than 72.

So for now, most of my planes are still 72, but a few are 2.4.  I like
2.4better, eventually all of my planes will be

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 2:01 PM, TG Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I would expect a heli guy to be able to tell a difference.
> But to be honest, I think it all boils down to a quote from one of my
> favorite movies...Bull Durham.
> Crash Davis "If you believe you're flying well because you're getting
> laid, or because you're not getting laid, or because you wear women's
> underwear, or breathing out of your eyelids, or using a 2.4 Spektrum
> Radio, then you ARE! And you should know that!
> [*long pause*]
> So in the end it's whatever you like. I believe that everyone believes
> what they are saying, they are all right.
> Tom
> (Flying 72 MEG because I can't tell a difference and when everyone else
> has left I will be all alone with my stock 9303.)
>  ------------------------------
> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 15:46:32 -0500
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] " What's the big deal about 2.4? - Lag...okay now we
> are getting ...
> To:
>  I understand that some of you will have skepticism in regard to the
> increase in performance from the 2.4 Spread Spektrum Systems. The first
> time that I flew a my 9303X 2.4 system in a glider I got the feeling I was
> better connected to the glider. I did some high speed dives and pulled the
> elevator in a pylon turn. I definitely could sense a faster response.
> Remember this effect is amplified because I fly a pretty aft CG. In November
> I was doing some Helicopter prep for a movie, and installed the 9303X
> and with 921RX in a previously flown machine. This particular Heli features
> a 3 servo CCPM mixing system to steer the head. In this case there was no
> doubt about the improvement in response and lack of slop in the system. I
> got the feeling that I was really hooked up, kind of like flying with tight
> strings instead of loose ones. So, I know there is an improvement available
> with the SS 2.4 systems. But too be honest with you, I would be more
> intrigued with 2.4 because of the lack of frequency conflicts, and great
> range of equipment available from Horizon. I know some of you will not try
> 2.4 for any number of reasons. But I can list several friends who have
> tried it, seen the advantage and now are switching entire fleets over to
> Spread Spektrum 2.4 systems. All my best Larry
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David Klein
Graduate Research Student
Department of Structural Engineering
Jacobs School of Engineering
University of California San Diego

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