Thanks to the graciousness of Charlie Morey, we've been given the opportunity to create a PDF archive of Slope Soaring News.

For those not familiar with Slope Soaring News, SSN was Charlie's brainchild which enjoyed a run of twenty issues in the late 1980s. The first issue was published in September of 1988, and the last issue was dated June/July 1990. During nearly two years of publication, SSN enjoyed quite a following. Manufacturers, flying sites, aerobatic skills, personalities, and everything else related to slope soaring was covered. Particular issues of SSN are sometimes mentioned within the RCGroups web site, the RC Soaring Exchange e-mail list, and other venues, but very few people are aware of SSN's existence, and tracking down specific articles is nearly impossible.

Because of this lack of availability, we contacted Charlie and have received permission to create a PDF archive of all twenty issues of Slope Soaring News to be included on the RC Soaring Digest web site.

Volume 1 Number 1 is now available for downloading from the Slope Soaring News page on the RC Soaring Digest web site <>. This PDF is just over 5MB, and we anticipate the other issues will be approximately the same size.

We're hoping to place additional issues into the archive on a regular basis. Availability will be announced on this forum.

Bill & Bunny Kuhlman
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