The Gateway Open, THE summer event, timed this year to coincide with the pagan 
Feast of the Solstice. 

Dance with the naked Vestals at dawn. See how the sun illuminates the
Sacred Landing Spot at exactly noon on June 21, the longest day of the
year. Drink the traditional flask of mead at sunset, wreathed in
garlands gathered from the nearby vines (optional).

HL on Friday, June 20, and winch/hi-start practice flying afterwards.

Two-day contest, part of the OVSS series, Saturday June 21 and Sunday June 22. 
Separate awards for each day, plus overall after Sunday's totals are figured.

MOM, of course, 10-minute task time, landings similar to those at World
Soaring Masters. 150-meter winch lines, a 60-acre sod farm with lush
green grass for your landing pleasure.

Glauco Lago, one of the 2007 Nats Soaring CDs, will be your CD, and the 
Mississippi Valley Soaring Association ( will be your hosts.

For those old fogies like me who feel left out when Varios are banned, be 
advised that Varios will be legal at the Gateway Open.

Now as to pop-offs!? Same rules as last year (fly 'em out). If the wind
is 20+, the CD may allow one free pop-off per contestant. 

Lunch is included in the entry fee. Check our website for lots of info about us 
and our contests.

What makes a great contest? Great flyers, waging a fair battle on a
great field. That's what we have every year, and that's what we're
gonna have this year.  It's a chance to fly against the best, while you meet 
and greet your buddies
from around the country. Flyers from 7 or 8 states attended last year
including two who are on this year's F3J WC Team.

Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton, and Elvis have been
invited. U-2 will play during the lunch break. See you there.

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