Hi Guys,
Fate put me in the area and  I made my way there...I really didn't  expect to 
be there, have a plane to fly or to have the guys let me play!
The weather was fantastic for a big dog pilot contest.  Lift, sun,  some wind 
and really fun tasks.

Ron Shark and his team work their tails off, doing all they can to keep  
things moving...the trademark of DLG contests.  This was a new challenge  but 
was met with smiles by all.
I am NOT a DLG pilot, I do enjoy it...a lot but my schedule doesn't allow  me 
to participate in it.  Easily the most challenging of the disciplines,  so 
very man on man, the tiniest thumb mistakes are blatantly visible to  all.  
Patience, intuition, practice and model set up are soo critical,  especially in 
crowd of artist/athletes as attend this event.
Brazil and New Zealand showed with teams of great guys and great  
pilots...everyone supporting each other, cheering on not just one pilot but all 
whom ever does well and consoling those who meet with less luck.
There were plenty of 2.4 systems working just fine by the way. Not sure if  
there was any brands other than JR/Spektrum systems.
The format was based on rounds to determine who would fly the finals.   Then 
the scores would be reset for those pilots who made the fly off  round.....
The fly off round was really fun!  Each round would end when the first  pilot 
landed.  He would be executed and another round flown....3 min  tasks.  A 
horn would announce the mass launches.
In the end there can only be one....I was lucky enough to make it to the  fly 
off rounds....but as a 'DLG pretender"  my lack of skill, strength and  
practice became exposed in short order....
Those serious DLG pilots went on battle after battle, pilots dropping out  
round by round....the last two rounds still to fly...and the sun was set on the 
horizon....and by the time Oleg and Paul Anderson hand done all they could to 
 out last each other....the sun was behind the hills.

Talk about a spectator sport!
Mike Smith 
Bruce Davidson
Kevin from NZ
Adam Weston
Larry Jolly
Phil Barnes
So many fantastic pilots, who really put their minds and bodies fully into  
the hobby...each one sensing the smallest bit of energy to keep their models  
flying....searching, moving, shifting...finally to return home for another  
Huge thanks to Craig Allen for trusting me to protect his model through the  
event and for his excellent calling/timing to help me do a credible job and to 
 keep me out of the serous guys way..

Two nites of lots of BBQ Ribs...and a Corona or two..too :-).
And George Joy to guard the no fly zones for almost 8 straight hours!   
Thanks for you work George...we all knew you'd rather have been flying!
As a treat to us big bird pilots, Mike Smith brought out his new F3B  
ship...it has molded in RADs pockets..and the fuse and wing has a transparent  
blue finish that actually glows  with the carbon cloth looking like  woven 
silver mesh under.
Good luck to all combatants today and tomorrow.... I don't think I  have ever 
seen the Oleg more focus'd, or Paul Anderson more determined...but  with so 
many talented and practiced world class pilots I can't put either in a  sure 
thing category with Big Brown this weekend.
Bakersfield to Denver today, Home tomorrow...and my new High End

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Tyler Florence" on AOL Food.      

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