Hi guys,
Got a bit more from the field in Turkey.
The JR 2.4 DSM systems are working great providing a whole new piece of  mind 
today....pretty much the equivalent to Visalia's Friday chaos :-).
On Rich's plane which hit Jim's paw during a launch release and was  
'totaled', its back almost ready for combat again!
On the stab that blew off DP's Supra....
Super mega tow, hit a thermal, earned its way off.
 A stress point at the mount area of the stab for this kind of extreme  
launch was identified.
Again guys keep this in the context of where and how it happened, a fix was  
identified, JW figured it out prior so his are strengthened for F3J extremes,  
and one of those is on loan to DP....has something to do with uranium 
enriched  helium filled micro balloons or some such...:-)

This is a bit like  :
... the kid who when born till age 5 never spoke a word...his parents  were 
concerned but didn't want to make a big deal out of, then one day they all  sat 
down to dinner, the kid took a sip of the soup and exclaimed, "Yipes, that's  
His parents totally shocked said to him,'How come after all these years you  
are just talking now?"
His reply," Up until now, every things' been okay."

Fingers  crossed in any case planes are going to be used and abused...as I 
mentioned  before, this is a whole new level of everything than years  past.
More later.

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