Okay guys, the article is about some day when we are too weak and old to
hump winches...fields are gone so no room to string a turn
around...those of us who will still want to fly TD contests will have to
launch our sailplanes some how....the last thing we will ever want to
know about is what would be the best prop, the thought of calculating a
correct power equation???? 
Wouldn't happen for a TD guy, our attention shifts day dreaming about
pretty women or a new plane too quickly to have that kind of

Really read the article....guys who love to didle with expensive
motors, cool batteries and trick motor controls...can and should
continue.  I say let them believe that because their electric powered
airplanes with big wings and the ability to glide down from thousands of
foot of motor run...let them believe they are soaring...its fun for

However Don tries to make the point that a guy who starts out with an
electric powered airplane with big wings is a future TD pilot???  

Here's a test to let  him prove his point... have any one of his
newbies run the motor up to about winch or high start height (400') then
make a 5min thermal flight....no turning the motor on..-you know- when
he gets kind of low, -you know- for 'safety's' sake....

When the have a motor to turn on, they don't learn to thermal...which
is fine, if they are happy 'flying' I say," let them eat er...
batteries!" :-)

In the year 2424, if the only way we TD guys can launch is to put a
motor in the nose of our models, God let it be just enough to get us up
to normal winch height..three times...its not supposed to 'fly' our
models, its only suppose to get them to the start of the game. :-)

Don keep doing what you are doing...we have a few years before electric
motors and props will replace high starts and winches.


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