The 2008 German Open F3K is over....and the USA took 2nd! North Carolina's own Oleg Golovidov (TD guy turned F3K) battled his way into the fly-off and then put the hammer down to finish in 2nd.
Phil Barnes also made the fly-off and finished in 8th overall.

Bret Carr (Jeff's son) took 6th in the Junior category!

Other US participants (who didn't make the flyoffs):
20th - Paul Anderson
31st - Bruce Davidson
33rd - Adam Weston
58th - Jeff Carr
96th - Brett Carr
97th - Chris Adams

That's out of 112 participants. Someone (who shall remain nameless) at the US F3K NATS said to me "they have 112 people at a *handlaunch* contest?" "Yes, (name), handlaunch is popular everywhere else in the world except the US Nationals".

There's a good reason why 8 (almost 10) of our top pilots went to Germany instead of the NATS - though it might have been the draught beer on tap on the field! (When can we get that at Muncie?)

Bunches of Photos and such:

Junior (18-) Flyoffs: Senior (18+) Flyoffs:

Way to go Team USA! Keep it up for F3K in 2010? 2011? 2012?

Ben Wilson wrote:
The German F3K Open is currently going on *right now* and a good group of handlaunch pilots from the US are over in Munich battling it out. Right now, Oleg Golovidov and Phil Barnes are 6th and 9th after 9 rounds. Heavy hitters Paul Anderson and Louisville's own Bruce Davidson are in 19th and 26th.

See, people will actually travel to a handlaunch contest... if it's more than a day long :)

Scores and such can be found here, scroll down to Results:

Couple of RCGroups threads:
Oleg's Day 1 Recap

Mike Seid's Day 1 Recap:

More reports and photos:

FlyQuiet UK Thread:

See y'all tomorrow in Muncie!
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