Well for what it's worth. I like to fly contests and have had help learning how 
to practice from arguably some of the best pilots in the country. 
I fly only RES and unlimited at this point as far as contests go, but I do have 
a hand launch and really like flying that as well. If I were going to pony up 
for a contest for handlaunch and I had to travel, I would rather pay the extra 
money and go to Europe for a multitude of reasons. 
 1. Better Beer
2. More things to see (more interesting)
3. Amsterdam (I wont even go into why I like Amsterdam)
4. Far easier to talk my wife into going and frankly I would rather be with her 
in a foreign country than being alone in Muncie.5. A chance to meet the 
Americans I would like to meet (since apparently they are going to the European 
contest anyway.)
So to be honest if they added a day in Muncie, but there were a contest in 
Europe...I would still go to Europe.
Just my two Euro's
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