Ray Juschkus wrote:
> Hi, Would anyone know where I could get a good deal on a Hitec Super
> Slim 8ch receiver.  

Well, you could go to any one of the big distributors, surf
through that most excellent of web pages provided by Charles
River RC http://www.charlesriverrc.org/Default.htm and find

Then again you could go to any one of the fine suppliers of
soaring goodies that frequent this list that sell Hitec
stuff.  You might end up paying a buck or two more (then
again, maybe not--ask), but you will be supporting the folks
that make possible all the really neat toys we indulge

I've pretty much been focussing on dealing with DJ Aerotech
http://www.djaerotech.com/index.html, Polecat
http://www.polecataero.com/index.html, Multiplex (not Hitec
dealers) and EVEN SAL--GASP! at http://www.nesail.com/.  (I
am absolutely sure that there are other great suppliers of
goodies that try to work directly with the soaring
community, please forgive me if I've not mentioned you.)

I've given them all far more grief than they've given me. 
When you really, truly need a little bit extra, these folks
will help.  Who do you know at Tower Hobby??

Your money.  Your choice.

Have a great holiday 

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental
                                            Dave Barry
Bill Johns
Pullman, WA
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