The times they are a changin (Bob Dylan)

Lots of interesting comments concerning the rule (or proposed rule
I think it will be something we will have to address. Go with the flow!
Make it work!! If  we want to fly F3J.
I know everyone isn't into F3J,  But for us who are? Good positive
consideration is needed..

I will agree! It is a bit over reacting to shut down everything because
on one incident. Stuff happens in all sports and hobbies.... It is very
unfortunate that this happened.. I feel for the friends and family !
This is to allot of people just a hobby..  This isn't suppose to happen!

But when you get a bunch of very competitive pilots together and compete
at a fairly aggressive level. Then its a sport...
Personally I think there are a few more possibilities of something
happening with two men towing. Either apposeing tow's , Or formation

There is allot of change going on in our sport.. Look at hand launch!
The International will be a whole new ball game this year... Something
to try and keep up with!!!

The gliders for Unlimited,F3J,F3b they all change,, Another thing to
keep up with,,

Glider clubs loosing their fields all over the country... Another thing
to keep up with,,,

I think this sport could be in danger due to lack of land !!!  Its just
to pricey to have for a hobby!!!
Or someone just doesn't like it!!!! So move it!!  People can be that
way.. Hell! we get people who build a house next to an airport and then
complain about the noise!!  Want to move the airport!!

So it seems like we are at the mercy of many things that can effect
us.....  We need to adjust the best we can. Or we may just go nuts!!!!!


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