What is intersting about the DLG planes is how diverse they are as well, as inidicate, how region specific they are.
I am going to Poway.  I have 2 DLGs and both can be competitive in the right hands.  There are alot of other planes out there.  We might see modified Texas Twisters, we will see a new ship from Pole Cat Aero, we'll see less Raptors than last year and much more.  There will be the new "Secret" from Oleg, as well as whatever the master Craftman Phil Pearson has come up with.  This year many gliders have been redesigned using programs, like those by Tom Clarkson.  Yes there will be the Taboo's and Encores, and many other homebrews like mine.
Again, I am going to take alot of pictures, get video, and really go over as much technology as I can gather for the Second version of my CD.  There are many new pilots, and this year there will be new faces and definitely a new champ. 
W'ell keep you posted.
Chris Adams

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