Hi Neil,

>   The idea was to take the numerical and small screen interface of the
> Tx's programming screen and "enhance" that to make it easier to
> That is a huge advantage.  I use an example from aviation between 2 Garmin
> GPS units.  The 430 and 530.  The functionality of the units is identical,
> the difference is screen size.  Now, yes the map is bigger, but the main
> reason people swap to the larger 530 is to have more information displayed
> on one screen.

<OK, I get your drift - however (isn't there always a "however" :-))
<It would appear that a bigger easier to use interface to say a 3030 or 4000
<would be an improvement to the end user - unfortunately, I have to disagree

Neil unfortunatly I would have to disgree with your disagree. :))

The bigger interface on the JR 8103 is much better (and easier to use)
than the one on the JR 388.

Also the two line interface on the Graupner/JR MC 18/20 is abbismal compared
with the
interface on the Graupner/JR MC 24 On both these above examples the larger
screen allows
you to see where to go to get to the next function so that you do not have
to scroll throuh numerous
screens (or remember function numbers as in the case of the MC 18/20)

Imagine if all the functions and their values were on the screen at the one
time then we would not have to search
for that function that we know is there, but is always hard to find,
especially when new to that TX .
Take the example of the Palm devices....no no not your fingers......the Palm
Pilot thinggys, if you had to scroll through
to get to all the functions I don't believe they would have taken off.

<Take your average modeller, an F3F/F3J/F3B model and a 3030/4000. If you
<remove the aircraft from the loop in any way, then the modeller can't see
<any connection between what they are adjusting and the end result - there's
<no feedback.

I don't believe anyone was seriously suggesting removing the model.

I'm sorry to keep harping back to what I said, but unless there
<is some visual feedback to the adjustments, then no amount of graphical
<interface is going to make up for this.

Totally agree.

<<The GUI can certainly make it look simpler by giving more information, >

Yep I believe that's what people were saying would be better

<but without any visual control feedback, it is just a big bunch of numbers.
 - perhaps even more confusing to the end user.>


<There's really no satisfying substitute to watching both the ailerons and
flaps move in the same direction after 3 hours of programming =;-)))))))))

How about a larger interface and perhaps doing it in 5-10 mins.

<Perhaps what is required is a "simulator" that has no connection to the
transmitter whatsoever - a training aid in effect. A set of "dummy" aircraft
models could be used to show cause and effect. Perhaps a series of "plugins"
to suit different makes of Tx even. An electronic version of the Tx users
manual. Or maybe just reading (and understanding !) the printed manual would
save all this effort <g>

Ahhh understand the manual.....there's a novel thought, what language was
yours written in :)))
I have yet to read one that explains exactly how to set up the 3 poition sw.
for launch thermal and landing , for instance. Yes I have read Mike's one
and printed it.

The problem is that when one knows a lot about the programming of a certain
TX and then
writes a manual they seem to assume that their audience knows more that they
in fact do.
Its like teaching someone who has had no former exposure to a computer, how
to use one
It can be very hard for the teacher to dumb down (for want of a better
expresion) to the level
of the learner. But this is what is needed with manuals in my opinion, The
manual that comes with
the 3030 is the best I have seen but still assumes perhaps more knowledge
than one has.
The basics are easy, it's the full function stuff that is not usually easy
to aquire.

I think though that your statement regarding reading and UNDERSTANDING the
manual and the
way the programming for a TX works is certainly the key..

Sorry for long post,

my .A$ 0.01c worth


>Field tuning would be done with the normal functions.


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