I'm looking for a decent radio for sailplanes.  Currently I have a
Futaba 6XAS and it has served me fairly well.  It's limited, but for the
most part it gets the job done.  Currently I fly a 4 servo Lucia and a 6
servo Spirit Elite, but in the future I would like to get a more "full
house" sailplane and still be able to use the radio with all of the

I have been looking at the JR8103 and the Futaba 9C.  Most of the guys
that I fly with fly the JR so I realize programming would be made easier
(having a vast pool of knowledge always does help out.)

Currently the list of features that I (think I) need is:
Flaps or Crow
Flaps -> Aileron Mixing
Aileron -> Flap Mixing
Aileron -> Rudder mixing
Launch Presets

And probably some others.  Both of the radios will do these with no
problems.  Both offer digital trims.  

So in your opinion which radio is better suited to sailplanes?  Are they
both essentially the same thing just wrapped in different packages or
does one truly offer something that the other doesn't?

I'll be looking forward to your input. 

If you have another suggestion for a TX in about the same price range
please feel free to let me know, I'm open for suggestions.


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