The forecast for New Year's Day looks very favorable at this time. I guess the storm clouds have been properly chastised and ordered to get their funk out of southern California for the Rose Parade. We are lucky to be unintended recipients of the same mandatory good weather. Therefore I will have the equipment out and set up by 9:00 am for a great day of fun flying and other festivities. Be sure to comb your hair, wear clean underwear and iron your pants. Sharp creases optional.
"Other festivities" you say? Yes! If you are a subscriber to the balsasailplanes Yahoo! group you already know about the postal contest for planes with built-up wings that is being conducted by Ray Hayes of SkyBench. The contest is being flown all over the country and the winner will be the person that is able to log the longest timed flight with a built up woody plane on New Year's Day. Entries are due in by 8:00 pm CST today and final times are due in by 8:00 pm January 1, 2004. The winner receives a $50 credit toward any SkyBench product.
Gene Hays has proposed we do a similar and simultaneous event at our field open to anyone that flies with us on New Year's Day. I second the proposal and hereby set the rules:
1. Open to any and all planes (except slimers).
2. Launch by any means.
3. Must be timed by a designated timer of your choice.
4. Land anywhere you want.
5. Must land by 12:00 noon.
6. Unlimited launches.
7. Wear a smile.
The winner will be the pilot that has the longest flight recorded by noon. If you are in the air at 12:00 your timer will stop the clock and the time indicated will be recorded. Since we don't have the same financial resources as SkyBench, our award will be free soda(s) to whomever attempts a launch. You will also most likely be photographed (thus the previously mentioned dress code) and I'm sure the PopOff editor will make sure it is published for all to see. The flier with the longest recorded flight will get preferred placement in the PopOff in addition to the free sodas.
Come on out and have some fun with a great bunch of guys.
ps--See if you need to find out who we are and where we fly.

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