Are you looking to control the motor 100% of the time from the button?
If so, here is what you need to do:

You need to use the R700, R770 or at least a 7-channel receiver for
this setup to work. All this does is move the motor to the push button,
and then you can plug the ESC into the AUX2 channel.

Follow this procedure *before* you activate anything under Wing Type.
If you pick the Dual Flap option first, it will remove Motor as an
option for mixing in the Function Menu.

System Menu: Start out by setting/activating the sailplane menu. Go to
Device Sel and choose Moto to be on the Time SW. Make sure to set is as
ACT. Set AUX2 to INH.

Function Menu: The next step is to program a mix for the motor to the
button. I use Mix 6, set to mix Moto to AUX2. Set Pos0 to -100 and
-100. Leave everything as Pos0 to keep the motor active on all flight

>From there, just check the servo reversing on AUX2 for the operation of
your ESC. (Default position)
The rest of the programming follows what is in the book for Sailplane.
Start at Step 1 and set what feels good.

Hope that helps! -- John Palmer


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