phony "semiautomatic assault rifle" issue !!!!! Hmmmm! You do belong 
to a militia, right?  I guess I better get an automatic.  What I 
really want are nukes. (I have the desire.) OK, this doesn't belong 
here.  Regis 

> >Studying the NRA as a "political model" is not a bad idea<
> And why not? I love to hear the NRA bashers rant on about the 
effect we have 
> on the government, our government. I and thousands like me ARE the 
NRA. Just 
> private citizens who happen to believe that freedom IS protected by 
the private 
> ownership of firearms. It ain't about duck hunting, Mr. Kerry! We 
who know 
> something about firearms must always fight against those who act 
out of 
> ignorance of and prejudice toward firearms. We do this by calling 
and writing our 
> representatives about issues that effect us. Isn't that precisely 
what citizens 
> are expected to do in a representative government? Who could 
perceive this as 
> somehow bad? I was taught in civics class many years ago that that 
was what 
> representative government was all about. Our elected officials 
can't represent us 
> if they don't know where we stand on issues up for a vote. It 
really does not 
> matter whether it is a phony "semiautomatic assault rifle" issue or 
> us of model airplane flying areas, it is up to each of us to be 
informed about 
> the issues and inform our representatives how we expect them to 
vote for us. 
> The real power in our system is in the voting out of office those 
who can't 
> bring themselves to represent our views. It certainly worked with 
Gore. We 
> expect elected politicians to represent us, not "vote their 
conscience" once in 
> office when they feel safe. You may hate the NRA for your own 
reasons but the 
> example is still worth studying. Dennis in NH

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