You may find this interesting. 

I didn't read or follow the thread on bagging, but I
did real Phil's response. Phil is without a doubt THEE
expert on vacuum bagging, and I'm certain if you
follow the tips in his video verbatum, you will have
the best results possible. I bag my parts much the
same as Phil does. 

But, with anything, there are so many techniques
available to us to get to the same place. I spent some
significant time with Nic Wright ('89 F3B WC). Nic
used to bag his F3B toys to use on the WC level. He is
completely anal about his airfoil integrity, as we all
should be. I was rather surprised to hear that he
actually bagged his wings, with the outer cores inside
the bags. So, from the inside out.... core,
skins/mylar, outer cores, whatever bleeder required,
bag. He was able to paint his mylars, and got without
a doubt the smoothest, most ripple free surface I've
ever seen on a bagged wing. (Sorry Phil) Nic would
still wet sand the outer surface slightly to get a
perfect finish, but not much sanding was required. 

There are drawbacks to bagging this way. The leading
edge must be added and shaped outside the bag - gives
us yet another opportunity to keep the airfoil close
(Or screw it up). 

I'm certainly not recommending this method. I don't
use it personally. I was driving in the car one day
with Nic, we were chatting.... and he mentioned this
technique, and I almost hit the floor. 

I will say one thing - if you are having problems with
large area delams or air bubbles - too much resin.


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