No. Sorry. Getting the paint off was the only success I ever had. From that point on I usually do a lousy job.

Robert Samuels.........St. Louis

From: "Harley Michaelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Robert Samuels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Ideas needed to fix bad paint spots
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2005 15:24:52 -0800

Hi Robert. . .thanks . . . okay, let's say the paint is off in the bad spots. . .what about the other questions? Any success stories to pass on explaining how to fill, prime and repaint to match up with the adjacent paint? Reappearing pinholes?

I've found that rubbing alcohol easily removes Krylon paint from glass surfaces. I use toilet tissue wetted with the alcohol.

What do those of you do, who bag wings in which the waxed carriers have been painted, when the paint does not transfer in a spot or flakes off?

How do you fill the spot, fill any exposed weave level it to adjacent paint, prime, repaint, avoid overspray and finish it off to look uniformly smooth and shiny?How do you handle pinholes that, after being filled and wet sanded down, reappear on application of new paint?

How would you remove adjacent remnants of old paint (Krylon) to start over new, without harming the underlying foam core? Acetone will remove paint, but ruin foam. What solvent do you use or by what technique do you remove all paint down to the epoxy? How would you then fill exposed weave?

Specifically what filler products to you use, then
what primer, what paint?

Please explain your entire technique if you have one that works well.

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