I can't believe what I'm reading! :)

First one of the 'great ones' suggests that 2m is an event that is something less than ideal. Then another great one suggests that soaring should be fun. A third proposes that every round be a 10 minute task. Is it the water, or just GPS? The next thing you know, someone will suggest that we control/eliminate those ugly 'training wheels' that hang from the bottom of our fuselages. :)

This has been a great thread that has offered some revolutionary ideas. I'm sure there are others that also have good ideas; lets hear them. Lets hope that those planning/CDing the Nats give consideration to these suggestions as they organize what I'm sure will be another great event.

Since ideas for the Nats are being suggested, I offer the following:
1 - one day of 2m, two days of Unlimited, and a full day for RES.
2 - no 2m, three days of Unlimited, and a full day for RES.

For the last three years, there have been more entries in RES than in 2m at the Nats and I'm betting that it will be the same this year. RES deserves a full day. One individual I duscussed this with suggested that there be two days of Unlimited and two days of RES; no 2m. It was hinted to me that handlaunch participation is decreasing and that if the number of entries for 2005 did not increase that Handlaunch might be dropped and RES given a full day. Even though I don't fly handlaunch, I hope that never happens; Handlaunch deserves its day.

I'm not anti 2m; I'm pro fairness and as I see it fairness says that with about equal numbers of entries, 2m and RES should be given equal time.

Again, this has been an interesting thread; lets keep offering meaningful suggestions. R/C soaring is a great hobby/sport; its up to us to keep it alive.

Regards from the frozen tundra,
Bob Johnson
Fond du Lac, WI

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