Hey Gordy,
Here is a note from Peter Goldsmith regarding your Aussie adventures.
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Goldsmith
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:03 AM
To: John Diniz
Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'soaring@airage.com'
Subject: RE: [RCSE] "Today was 'Hobby Day'...as in F3J World Champ Hobby" :-)

Gordy, great to hear you are having fun down there, say Hi to David for me. I flew in the Heathcote cup 20 years ago, I can't believe it is still going, wow. In fact I won the series events in 1980-1, can't remember, it was a long time ago, but it was an intense event back then. Typically they have over 60 pilots and the top 20 or so were all very talented. Not sure who to hook you up with, most of the guys I flew with back then have either relocated, passed away, or just don't fly any more.
This time of year I suspect you will be flying at either Heaqthcote oval or Maddens plains. IF you flying at the oval, regardless of the wind direction keep over the valley, and to the left had side of it., big sink holes on the right.
If you are flying at Maddens plains you will be surrounded by golf courses and the air is pretty much good all around.
Have fun and good luck at the event.
Oh, another word of warning, Australia is the land of JR, <Grin>
-----Original Message-----
From: John Diniz
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 8:52 AM
To: Peter Goldsmith
Subject: FW: [RCSE] "Today was 'Hobby Day'...as in F3J World Champ Hobby" :-)

FYI - Gordy "Down Under".
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 6:41 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; soaring@airage.com
Subject: [RCSE] "Today was 'Hobby Day'...as in F3J World Champ Hobby" :-)

David Hobby happened to get his travels plans to the USA changed and he snatched me from the jaws of work to head out to their soaring site here in Melbourne...warm light winds with puffy clouds and a deep grass field pretty much explains the day.
We got cleared off the field at dusk by the mosquitos then headed directly over for some Kangaroo steak and beer. (Okay the beer wasn't from a Kangaroo :-)
There were five of us flying and shooting landings at a plate and am I glad I got to fly, I have my "B" Pike with me cuz its newest and wanted to look good if not fly well :-)  My A plane has been thru my catarach days and sports a few beer can leading edge patches..but still looks pretty nice.  But since I haven't flown my B plane much, it needed some serious tweeking.  Its swamping for some reason pretty seriously, I suspect cuz its filled with humidity...the bag was near soaked from the plane ride I guess... in any case it still flew without a single glitch and I ended the nite with a perfect 10 and 100.  So feeling pretty good.

Its not over till its over and while they actually expect me to work (if you can call it that) while I am here, another nite in the presence of soaring greatness is looking pretty possible...and a full blown BBQ too.

The weekend is still looking great for the contest in Madden Plaines outside of Syd for the first leg of the Heathcoate Cup series.  My host is the extremely talented Carl Strautin.  Then Monday off to NZ. I may just might be able to get in on the first day of a contest that Saturday, although I fly out of Aukland at 7:30pm....could be tight if I have to stick around for some wood :-)

Wish you were all here with me!

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