Attrition?  Gordy whinnig on the list about loss of planes?  Whats this anyway?  If you wanted to define attrition you should have been at this years Davenport ISR, then you would know what attrition is, AND not a peep of whinning about lost planes to be heard anywhere.  The only whinning I heard was "why cant we have more events like this!"
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Monaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:17 PM
Subject: [RCSE] F3J in the Rockies Results

The results are in and Gordy had a terrible spate of bad luck.  The good news is that there was only one other plane totaled (Rich O�Connell on launch) and a couple of planes with minor damage.  While the air was challenging on Sat, today brought overcast skies, cool (55 degree) temps and much more difficult air.  The blood was flowing in nearly every round.  Rich Burnoski flew a great final day and improved his standing from 7th to second.  Skip Miller continued to dominate with his excellent flights in horrid conditions.  While only Skip, Rich and Lenny Keer managed to make it through the finals without one zero round, Skip was clearly the master, with only one minor hit and 3 1000 rounds!


Attrition was severe as participants dropped out of the finals for various reasons.  Lots of zero rounds were recorded as the lift carried everyone waaaay downwind � and with terrible sink on the way back.  While there were a lot OUT landings, there were no damaged planes.


Congratulations to Skip, Rich and Lenny who showed what difficult condition soaring is all about!


The Preliminary scores can be seen at:

The Finals scores can be seen at:




Jim Monaco

President - Rocky Mountain Soaring Association

Denver, CO



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