Uhhhh...Burning incense & virgin sacrifices??? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Iafret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 5:08 PM
Cc: Soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] "2 meter r hurts...at least in Dayton!"

Been there, done that. The DARTS are devious and the air in Dayton generally
sucks except for the DARTS. How do they do that??????

Ex Daytonian

> Had my trusty (more like rusty since it never gets out to fly) Organic 
> charged and ready for some ass kickin today in Dayton.
> Woke up at the local Holiday Inn to sun and calm winds.  Got to the 
> field to find sun and wind building.
> All the big dogs showed up to put the hurtin on me, Don Harris, Paul 
> the Siegel, Marc Gellart, Jerry SuperV Shape, and a cast of other 
> rough looking types who were obviously ringers brought in to insure 
> that I wouldn't be hauling any more Dayton wood away.
> I tried my own intimidation by showing up pulling a trailer (you know 
> to carry all the wood), but in the end it didn't work.
> It was sooo obvious what was afoot....First they rig the winches to 
> lull me into complacency by making sure that I out launced  everyone in my
> That part worked, I zoomed well beyond all, and headed out distracted, 
> so never noticed that I flew through hundreds of thermals.
> After 6 rounds of 10minutes each, I had amassed a total time of about 
> 6 minutes (the total air time out of all 6 rounds) while everyone else 
> seemed to get their times.
> First round they had rigged a tree line to extend upward so that I 
> would get stuck behind, off field in some beans!  These guys are 
> devious.  That put a bunch of poke holes in my Organic's Ultracoat and 
> put a wrinkle in the new fuse's tailboom.
> Then they had trimmed bushes up wind so that I had tremendous 
> turbulence in the landing zone, which caused a flip over landing.
> All in all a pretty fun day, and seriously one of the most challenging 
> flying sites I have ever flown and easily some of the best thumb 
> wiggling soaring I have been privileged to witness.
> Wish you all could have been hosed like me :-) Gordy Columbus, 
> Cincinatti, Louisville, Harrisburg, Rochester, Jamestown ND....then 
> Muncie!

Jack Iafret
Home and Hobbies
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