Looks like a great plane, but with thin fuse and profile, it might be hard to see if you don't stay under it.  The one thing I noticed on the SBXC is that I can see that hunky fuse at 3000 ft. 
One BIG advantage to the Thermic is that it is not going just sit around all year.  You can fly thermal and F3J and be competitive.  Spot landing an SBXC is really tough.

i know next year is a cross country year at the Nats. and thought
this might interest somebody.
i just got in a 4m Thermic XL , can be seen here.
I can't believe the quality of this molded plane that you get for $850. bucks!
If you told me it was $1500. it still would be a good price.
It's built really strong, has a great finish.
I have heard from other owners that they do hang really well also.
I even seen they have a ThermicXXXL 5m,  http://www.valentamodel.cz/
Just thought i would pass this on.

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