 I flew Tom Kieslings Bagged F3J version over at Istanbul. While I think one flight is to limited to draw conclusions, I can comment that both models have similar characteristics. One thing that is obvious to me is that I cannot build a wing as accurate as the ones that come from Barry. I have had a lot of experience flying bagged Xp4's and Blasters, and I can tell you that there is a great difference between a bagged Drela section and a molded one. My Supra at 64 ounces does not leave me wishing it were 55 ounces. If you like to build, then bag one. If it were up to me I would work the hours instead of bagging it, and use that cash to buy one out of a mold. Regardless I think you will be satisfied from the performance of either version. Bur then my Grandma always thought her pies baked at home, tasted better than store bought ones! Best Regards Larry

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