Phil, use area to get the area conversion... centimeters2 to inches or foot 2
that give you area in our system.
81.7 dm2 = 8170cm2 = 8.79ft2
Then convert the wing loading using mass.
36.7 G = 1.29 or 1.3 oz
Now to convert the 1.3 from dm to foot squared
use convert to convert area 100 centimeters 2 = 0.107 foot 2
to get 1 sqft you would multiply by 10
so the 1.3 becomes 1.3*10 =  13 oz/ft2 pretty damn high wing loading.

What I like about doing it seperate is that I now know what the area of the wing is in our system and what th

At, the ThermicXL is listed with 81.7 dm squares and 36.7 grams/ dm square.

Can someone tell me what that would be in square feet . Eventually i want to figure the wing loading at different all up weights .

Thanks in advance, Richard

Phil Barnes wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I really like this one:

That's the same one that Dan Kitching recommended. Can anybody tell me how you use that to convert g/dm^2 to oz/ft^2? I guess you need to use the "custom" feature but clicking on "custom" gets a blank window with no instructions and no apparent way to type anything into the window.


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