Oops! Sorry about the spelling label

From: cbige...@hotmail.com
To: satel...@bendbroadband.com; jtis4...@hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 2 May 2010 17:44:16 -0700
CC: soas@lists.sugarlabs.org; gerald.ard...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [SoaS] Making Creation Kit Less Technical

Hi Tom and John,

I have a MacBook and will try to help you with testing.  So far, I did 
successfully make SoaS v2 on it in terminal with the help of George Hunt, and 
have made a SoaS v2 on a friend's PC.  

I have also bought an eeePC which, of course, has no optical drive.  I want to 
get one, perhaps a LiteScribe version so I can lable my cds.  What do you guys 

Let me know what you want me to do on the MacBook (I use a Boot Helper cd).  
And, please supply fairly clear instructions.  I will also help write the 
instructions suitable for educators with average (or less) computer knowledge.

P.S. The SoaS's run fairly well on both the MacBook and eeePC (not everything 
works). Neither has persistant storage.
Date: Sun, 2 May 2010 16:47:22 -0700
From: satel...@bendbroadband.com
To: jtis4...@hotmail.com
CC: soas@lists.sugarlabs.org; gerald.ard...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [SoaS] Making Creation Kit Less Technical


John Tierney wrote:

  Hi Tom,
Thanks for the link and info on Sugar on a Stick Creation Kit. I downloaded

and was able to sucessfully burn. There is a lot of great resources included, 

if we can translate/package into a slightly less Technical Format I think it 

could be very helpful and will allow new users to engage Sugar and become 

distributors of Sugar as well as participating members of the community. 
For myself and the audience who will be receiving the SoaS Creation Kit DVD,
the present layout is slightly overwhelming. So I would like to do a little 
effort over the next week to try to put the files in a delivery format that 
would allow
the recipient to have a clear and successful path from First interacting with 
Secondly becoming an expert at creating SoaS through Fedora USB Creator, and 
with a little introduction to Command Line we can turn them into SugarClone 
What I have done below is to reorder and try to group files. This to allow new 
users to
have a clear presentation of what they are, what they are used for. Big piece 
that needs
to be added is the USB Creator and instructions how to use.
My belief is we presently have most of the pieces of the puzzle for this, with 
a little polish
we can put together Creation Kit with an easily navaigable landscape. I think 
one of the
first documents should be a what's in the creation kit, with short explanation 
of what it's
used for. Also a comment on level of difficulty might help.
Thanks for taking this Creation Kit up. I think we are pretty close to having 
pretty cool, which will be a big bonus to our outreach efforts and ability to 
attract new
resources. Look forward to collaborating on this.

2-) Download and burn the DVD: 

****Was able to sucessfully download-Took about 7hrs

I will be glad to work on updating this for you.

  This has pdf.s of the Floss Manuals and Many other source and learning 
materials :
==What is on this DVD?==
   version .07

* What is Sugar.pdf
*-Read Me First Floss Manuals {Folder}
(funWith the Journal)
(Make Your Own Activities)
    How to write sugar activities by James Simmons
(The Terminal)
(Turtle art)
*-The Undiscoverable Features of Sugar.pdf
Can all of these .txt be turned into PDF's?

 I will try to make .pdf's on the next version

   Maybe it's
just me when I open in notepad the text is all together
and not very inviting to a new user.(Overwhelming).
*-HOW TO MAKE an ISO from a CD or DVD.txt

*-How to Make a USB Stick.txt

*-How To Sugarize applications.txt

*-Working with Live USB's.txt

(listing of DVD Contents-THIS DOCUMENT)
(Intel Mac-use to make a non persistent USB from an .iso file)

(use to make a non persistent USB from an .iso file)
(Is there expalnation and instructions for the use of these files?


near the bottom of the page

  Who needs them? Why? What will they accomplish?
These may be very important since so many Educators use
Macs. The fact it makes non persistent would they then be only
for Demo purposes?)

They are easily available to download and use,.

 I personally do not think they are appropriate for classroom uses

 There are better methods available: see comments below.


SoaS Strawberry Folder
(Burn this to a CD and Boot with it)
(Use as CD to Boot strawberry v1 USB for older PC's)
SoaS Blueberry Folder
(Burn this to a CD and Boot with it)
(Use as CD to Boot Blueberry v2 USB for older PC's)
Beta SoaS Mirabelle Folder-(I will need a Creation Kit image
by end of this week to be able and burn and ship to Purdue-will
there be a Mirabelle image we could include?)
(Stable f13 spin with minimal number of applications)
Will there be a Boot cd iso for Mirabelle?

I will include one of the latest soas spins .iso's 

I cannot test the USB with the Boot CD as I do not have an Intel Mac,
(G4 laptop only)

(What exactly is this and is there an explanation and some instructions
how to use)



1-)Booted CD of Mirabelle can be used to make live USB with persistence
using the live-iso-to disk script from the command line

But is Dangerous for novice user as requires use of terminal commands

2-)You can also download live the f13 USB creator program while running
Mirabelle CD and make a live USB with the Mirabelle.iso file on a
second USB


this is slightly less imposing

3-)You can also run the graphical liveusb-creator in Mirabelle the same

by entering "liveusb-creator" in sugar-terminal

the graphical install is the easiest way to do it.

(111 application.xo files copy to a USB and drag drop into sugar journal to 
install them to Sugar)
***Did create the disk but I'm not exactly sure how to use it. Needs some 
simple documentation***

Burn the .iso Load CD in PC and drag-drop/copy-paste the activities
from the opend CD onto a 2nd USB (1-2GB) on a PC desktop

then insert that USB into a slot of a PC, booted and running, a
Mirabelle CD or USB:

I just discovered a great way to TEST activities with Mirabelle.

Run them from a second stick.
They do not have to be installed or downloaded at all.

I am using a 2nd USB stick with 111.xo files on it downloaded from ASLO
loaded into a usb slot of a running USB of soas-i386-20100501.07.iso 
created USB
I open the 2nd USB in the frame and then select the journal.
The 2nd USB then appears in left corner under the frame and when 
selected, displays each activity.xo.
these can be started by clicking on them.
Each activity on the 2nd USB can be started, tested, and run this way, 
without loading on the soas live USB.

You can also drag-drop them into the journal in the left corner to install them 
on the live Mirabelle USB
No downloading required....This is "sneaker-net" and firewall proof.

Very Quick Usefull way to test. I hope others can adopt it also.

* SugarClone {folder}
(script files for making a customized live USB Self-replicating)
( superclone.pdf)
( modified_livecd-iso-to-disk)
( newSugarStick)
( SugarClone)
( transferSugarImage)
( Duplicating SoaS with customization.txt)

*-How to Make a USB Stick.txt
(instructions on how to use the above script)

(Jean Thiéry [Jean.Thiery(ò)ModLibre.info][http://ModLibre.info/]
Member of OLPC-France [http://olpc-france.org])
Can this be in PDF format?
For the Creation Kit I will distribute I think I would keep these off for now. 
recipients have made it this far to be able to truly use these, they will have
a set up on their computer and understand processes enough to download

OK, I will send you a potential contents list, for comments and review,

Tom Gilliard


(stable 4 GB USB img file for Blueberry with ext3 file structure)
use this command in root terminal to write: dd if=xxxxx.img of=/dev/sd(*)  
* path to your USB BE Certain this is correct, VERY DANGEROUS!

(Minimal CD to make your own custom fedora USB or Hard Disk install REQUIRES 
 Note: A USB install may take 6+ hrs at high speed

Appreciate the Collaboration!
John Tierney

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