Sorry for the latency here - my life's been pwned by the Fedora
release, but I think I'm back now (after having gotten more sleep. Mm.

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 6:46 AM, Sean DALY <> wrote:
> Keep the link to on the
> old Blueberry page though, since that's the link we communicate, is
> the top search result on Google, has been bookmarked by everyone, is
> linked to from the homepage, etc.
> By contributors portal I guess you mean the OpenHatch site?

Actually, I mean I
suppose it depends on what you mean by "contributors portal." Here's
what I see as the 4 main pages for this release - mostly explaining my
thinking here, so that alternatives/revisions can be suggested.

1. - is the first thing people new
to SoaS should be directed to, in terms of getting a high-level,
user-focused project overview, downloading the software, and using it
for the first time (and documentation for download and usage). This is
our "product page"

2. - is the main
contributors portal, by which I mean it's the first thing people
interested in contributing to SoaS should be directed to. (Right at
the top is the link to the shiny product page for those looking to be
users.) I know this is the main page indexed, highest-ranked on search
results, etc - this is deliberate, since we want to present ourselves
as an open source project and community that *produces* a product
(insert shiny product page here) in order to
calibrate expectations and encourage users to become contributors - of
feedback or otherwise - from the get-go.

3. - is where we
keep track of contributors and starter tasks... or rather, where we
will. Haven't really started using this yet, but it's something we're
talking directly with the OpenHatch developers about re: how they can
tweak OpenHatch to make it useful for us in terms of getting new
contributors of all sorts (especially nontechnical) started.

4. - is the
Mirabelle-specific page with highlights on the latest release, press
coverage for it, etc. (whereas the main SoaS contributors portal is
about how to help with releases in general).

> The pancake button should really be near the top - it's a golden rule
> to simplify the path to a main download. I don't remember who did the
> pancake button but I remember we didn't have the SVG at first, I will
> hunt for it so we can do a Mirabelle color.

Gary and Fred fixed this - thanks, guys!

> By the way, the shiny SoaS site is not showing any text on my old Mac
> running a very old version of Safari (v1.3.2). Displays OK in Firefox
> though. I don't suppose there is a plain-html version available, or a
> way to warn users their browser is bad?

Hm, that's a good question. I'll ask the Fedora Websites team (which
maintains and creates these pages for spins) about browser
compatibility - good catch. Probably just wasn't tested on browser
versions that far back.

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