Reminder: This meeting is tomorrow! (Or depending on your timezone,
today.) Monday, May 31, 1900 UTC in #sugar-meeting. Send notes and
comments if you can't make it, but we hope to see you there!


On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:26 AM, Mel Chua <> wrote:
> How did the Mirabelle release cycle go? We're gearing up for making
> v4, and want to know what went well and what could have been better -
> everything from technical to deployment to documentation to process
> sustainability to... well, really, everything!
> Our next weekly meeting (Monday May 31, 1900 UTC in #sugar-meeting on
> will be about exactly that. We announced this date
> several weeks back, but now that the release is out and the meeting
> date near, it's time for a reminder.
> If you can't make the meeting, no worries (especially since Monday is
> a holiday in the US). This meeting is intended to get as much feedback
> out at one time as possible; release planning for v4 is a separate
> meeting (June 7th, again at 1900 UTC) that will take the feedback from
> this release review into account." Anything sent in before that
> meeting will be considered during the initial v4 planning session.
> if you can't make the meeting (or even if you can) and have thoughts
> or suggestions you'd like to share, please send them to
> or add them directly to the agenda,
> (which
> includes links to the email feedback I've seen so far). Note that you
> need to be a member of the soas list to post to it, so if you aren't
> subscribed, feel free to email it just to me with a request to forward
> to the list, and I'll do so. I'm only gathering feedback that appears
> on the soas list, though, in order to preserve my sanity - so if you
> reply to any of the other lists, we may not see it in time.
> The three questions to answer:
> 1. What went well with Mirabelle?
> 2. What didn't?
> 3. How would you change things?
> And then, of course, whatever else you'd like to write.
> --Mel, who was somehow inadvertently persuaded by Peter and Sebastian
> to chair this meeting
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