Using this image:

Fedora-Live-SoaS-i686-21-5.iso        2014-12-03 21:05  713M 

simply dd to a USB stick.

I see that "background" has been improved, thank you.

However a timer (waiting) is presented with the cursor, and not all
images in ~/Documents seem to be available to load as background, at
least on the LiveOS media.


On Thu, 2014-12-04 at 14:41 +0000, Iain Brown Douglas wrote:
> Sorry I'm not in position to download another .iso now.
> I saw it for first time last night, and it persisted after upgrade.
> I guess I could try again in about 10 hours.
> Sorry I can't do more.
> Iain
> From Huawei mobile. 
> Gonzalo Odiard <> wrote:
> Please confirm if the error continue.
> We can solve it, but we need do it fast.
> Gonzalo
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 8:05 AM, Peter Robinson <>
> wrote:
>         > One new problem seen, My settings => Background fails to
>         open, and fails
>         > to close nicely.
>         >
>         > Hard drive install of
>         >     Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-21-TC4.iso
>         >
>         > With
>         >     yum upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing sugar*
>         TC4 is ancient, the lastest is RC5 and it's very likely the
>         one that
>         will be marked as GA
>         Peter
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> Gonzalo Odiard
> SugarLabs - Software for children learning 
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