Seems that the badge patch was not applied properly. Will try a fix. Stay tuned.


On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 4:49 PM, Jean THIERY <> wrote:
> Hello,
> *Happy New Year for SugarLabs et al* !
> Thank you for the new iso image
> « Fedora-Live-SoaS-i686-21-5.iso » (Dec-2014)
> posted on the « Sugar on a Sick » Web page
> Two USB keys were prepared:
> one in [English-US] and one in [French-France].
> This message reports results of simple tests
> on the Physics activity.
> Physics-23 =====================================================
> Physics-23 seems to work without any problem.
> Physics-24 =====================================================
> Physics-24 is proposed as an update !
> *Physics-24* is blocked
> - if we try to rotate an object with the "motor icon" [ctrl-M].
> - if we try to pin an object with the "pin icon" [ctrl-O].
> - if we try to follow an object with the "track icon" [ctrl-R].
> Grab [ctrl-G], Joint [ctrl-J] and Chain [ctrl-I]
> seem to work correctly.
> [English-US] and [French-France] versions seem to present
> the same behavior.
> The corresponding log files are included.
> Soon on Internet,
> Jean [Jean.Thiery(ò)][]

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
SoaS mailing list

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