Hi Sam!
>I tried to do the procedure suggested by James Cameron, but could not.
>So we decided the following:
>Who want to use one stick, then stick with Fedora_22_SoaS. If we use the 
>version available for you, and will update the kernel 
(because the kernel that comes in .iso is not compatible with the intel 
graphics accelerators of pcs of my neighbors).
>Who want to use the Fedora_23_SoaS until the release of Fedora_24_SoaS, you 
>must use two USB sticks. We even try to partition a USB stick to 'pretend' of 
>'another stick' but we did not succeed.
>I'll install Fedora 23 Workstation to see if the problem is in our 
computers, or if it's just the Fedora_23_SoaS who have this problem.
>At first the system does not create directories "Documents", "Videos",
 "Photos" and etc ... And this happens even in 'live', before we install
 definitely on the stick.

>On the installation method we use:

>We installed the system in 8GB USB Keys. But some people install the system on 
>your computer's hard drive in dual boot with Windows. In this case, they use 
>20 Gb space.
>As I talked about in social Help Brazil's staff is half 'crazy' and so
 use the system normally for just about everything else a normal do.
>They download music and decompress files using Terminal commands or 
>They do download files through the Transmission Programme;
>Watch DVDs using the VLC Media Player;
>We are testing the VLC Video Capture to do tutorials on the Sugar interface;
>And we use the normal activities; The most used are the Jukebox, Browse, Write 
>and Terminal. Paint and Image will also be used gradually. The rest of us will 
>discover little by little, alone or with children.

>That's why we got a little 'desperate' for we do not see the Documents folder. 
>>___< But time passes quickly, and in a moment we are Fedora_24_SoaS and 
>everything falls into place.

>Merry Christmas to you and thank you for your attention!

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